HyperAutomation Cloud

Gain Efficiency

Without sacrificing agility, productivity and customer experience

The #1 Challenge in Business Operation

Gain Efficiency Without Sacrifice Any Important Business KPI

During the times when companies facing with multiple challenges caused by market slow down or recession, efficiency is often ranking up to be the #1 on business leaders’ KPI list.

Gain efficiency is always possible, but how to improve it without sacrificing customer experience, losing agility or risk productivity is the ultimate question, especially in customer service business.

The dilemma is what business leaders can do to gain Efficiency without unbalancing the status quo between the below mentioned business KPIs.

Characteristics of Efficiency in Business Operation

  • Do more with less resource: Ability to do more (tasks, work) with equal of less resources can save cost but it comes with a significant theat of loosing quality.
  • Do something faster (cut corners): Time is money – we all know that – so doing something faster can result significant cost saving, BUT it comes with the risk of loosing quality, accuracy or compliance.
  • Do less: There is an easy way to save cost. You just need to do less. However it may not be appreciated (or even will not be accepted) by your customers, so you need to be cautious what services or customer benefits you will compromise with this action. 
  • Leverage Automation (and promote self service): This seems to to be the ultimate answer to a cost saving initiative without sacrificing quality, CX or compliance, however you need to do a careful planning to analyze in details how the customers can adopt this change.

Addressing the collage of conflicting KPIs

Move your focus to any direction in the above mentioned Agility – Quality – Cost triangle will risk the fulfillment of the other two KPIs due to the nature of this equitation. The art of design that Business Analyst should deliver lays in the analytical knowledge that can help you to identify what business steps can be and should be automated in which circumstances to deliver the expected efficiency outcome. There are certain (actually many) things that cannot be or hard to be automated or can be automated but make no sense. Carefully selecting those business procedures and steps that can be easily automated and generate significant cost efficiency without sacrificing customer or employee experiences should be in the focus of your digital transformation planning.

3 Easy Business Automation Solution That Delivers Immediate Result


By simply eliminate paper based processing in business transactions you can immediately save a lot of operation cost. No need for printing, scanning, storing, physically moving of any papers. Documents can be stored in multiple versions, can be easily archived while remain seachable. Sharing a copy, correct errors, send and receive them can be done with the fraction of the cost in compare to paper based processes.


Imagine how differently a customer interaction can be handled if your agent know EVERYTHING about the customer. What has happened in the past, where they are coming from, how the customer feel, what is the customer intent, what documents has been shared with customer in the past, what can be the most effective path for the quickest resolution, etc. Your agent can act as a super hero and close the case quickly with the highest CX.


What if ALL your agents know everything what can be considered as best practice and can access to this shared knowledge automatically based on the customer real-time intent. Even during a phone conversation the real-time speech analytics can pick up keywords from the conversation and automatically pulling the knowledge articles either internal or external knowledge sources and suggest next best actions.

Time is money

We all know this, but how significant the time saving can be through a properly set business automation?

So, it can be huge. In certain cases it can be 50% or even 75%, or more.

Even if it sounds unreal, think about that how much time a human agent may need to properly answer a complex customer email that may contain multiple inquiries. Even your fastest agent need 5 or more minutes to answer this email.

Eccentex AI can propose a fully personalized answer to any incoming email in less than 15 second that can be quickly reviewed by your agent and send to the customer with one click.

Major Operation Challenges In The Times of Recession

CashFlow Fluctuation

  • Delayed Payments: It can happen both on the customers and on the partners side while your business can’t delayed the payment for 3rd party services, rentals and other contractual obligations.
  • Unexpected cost: Due to some delayed payments your company may need to utilize factoring that comes with unavoidable extra cost and additional effort on the accounting side.

Customer Churn

  • Suspended services: Customers may ask for temporary service suspension to decrease their monthly fix costs.
  • Service Downgrades: Customers may request for price reduction or asking service downgrades to ease their financial pressure.
  • Abandoned service contracts: Some customers may facing with economical hardship and abandon their contracts or just not paying for the service.

Employee Motivation

  • Wrong perception of possible layoffs: Employees may feel depressed by seeing continuous layoffs and cost cutting actions.
  • Overload of key personals: Due to the continuous cost reduction initiatives some key personals may be overloaded that can leads to loss of performance and motivation.
  • Go invisible: Employees avoid to do visible work as they think in this case they can decrease the chance of mistakes.

Gain Visibility With BI & Analytics

During recession business leaders may need even more analytics tools to get the mandatory insights they need for data driven business decisions. Eccentex Business Intelligence delivers comprehensive set of real-time analytics tools and agile dashboards to oversee your operation across all remote locations and external partners.

Sample of Eccentex Solutions That Can Deliver Significant Cost Savings

Dynamic Case Management

Eccentex Dynamic Case Management solution is part of Eccentex HyperAutomation Cloud and specifically designed for customers who want to automate and manage their Business Processes in an agile way.

Advanced Email Automation

Automatically classify, prioritize and assign emails to the most suitable agents based on AI assisted sentiment and content analysis, detected languages or keyword found in the email body or customer segment.

Smart Knowledge Base

Eccentex Smart Knowledge Base helps customers find answers on their own, guide agents, and share a single source of truth across all departments.

Customer Service Management

Engage customers proactively, capture, create and assign cases and tasks automatically. Use Eccentex AI Services to auto-classify and prioritize work and assign it the right resource either in push or pull-mode.

Document Workflows

Eccentex Document Workflows come with enterprise-grade document management capability that gives employees instant access to all case and task-related content.

Business Intelligence

Break down data silos by connecting and blending process data with real-time engagement data across your enterprise, from core applications through 3rd party integrations.

Eliminate Paper-based Processes

Eccentex helps you to completely eliminate legacy paper based processes and turn your operation end to end digital. You do not need to digitize your documents because all of them will be created digitally from the beginning and stored in a secure place that can grant access to everyone who need to work with them regardless from their location. The multi level access control system ensures that all document will be kept safe and only those ones can access to them who are granted by the supervisor. 

Version fallowing, archiving and searching these documents cannot be easier with the embedded document management tools that natively integrates with your customer service platform.



  • Native and seamless integration with leading CCaaS platforms to manage Omnichannel customer interactions directly from the agent desktop
  • Supports all modern communication and collaboration tools to enhance the cooperation between employees and customers 
  • Grant access to external parties such us contractors, part time or homeworkers, agencies or outsourcers with secure control


  • Facilitates real-time and historical data sharing between the collaborating parties to gain visibility across all interactions
  • Ensuring seamless communication and coordination Pre-populates essential fields using data from the incident request and other integrated systems
  • Supports the inclusion of multimedia elements such as pictures, videos, and audio recordings to provide situational awareness.


  • Provides real-time tracking of all activities across all channels and customer touch points
  • Ensuring accurate access controls and provides audit trails
  • Captures and transmits all critical information in real-time to prevent fraud and avoid data inconsistency
  • Maintains a comprehensive record of all historical data, supporting detailed analytics and informed decision-making

Configurable Rule System

Leverage the power of a fully configurable agile Rule System to save time and resources across all critical processes. Let the system prioritize and assign the most capable and available resource to the most important task in real-time to ensure the timely fulfillment of all customer commitments at the lowest possible cost.

Prioritize tasks and work-items based on their business value, importance, urgency, severity and segment to ensure that the most important task been resolved first.

Platform Features that Boost Efficiency

Eccentex HypeAutomation Cloud is a comprehensive business automation platform that provides efficiency by design


Designed for mission-critical operations to manage high volumes and demands

Hosting of choice

The modern cloud architecture support high flexibility, scaleability and agility needs


The platform level APIs ensures easy connectivity across your entire IT system


Compliant with US, EU, EENA, NG112 and other regulations and frameworks


Meet with the highest security standards validated by third party penetration tests

Integrated to GIS

Connects to GIS services like ESRI ArcGIS, Google Maps, OpenStreemMaps and more


Support both customers, agents, employees and citizens in the language their choice


Drag-and-drop configuration and developer-level tools for easy settings

Key Capabilities to Gain Efficiency

  • Composable native Cloud Platform that designed for high capacity use
  • Highest level of security that support multi-tenancy
  • Rea Time Monitoring of all interactions across all channels
  • Embedded Task / Work-item / Case Management Management
  • Embedded Smart Knowledge Base including Knowledge Orchestration
  • Platform level Master Data Management
  • Electronic Document and Web-Form Management
  • Seamless CCaaS integration
  • Agile Rule System that Automatically Manage All SLAs
  • Omnichannel Communication and Mobility Support
  • Comprehensive Reporting and Records Keeping
  • High Availability and Flexible Scaleability
  • Capacity up to 50,000 concurrent users / instance

Get in touch with experts

The first step in digital transformation is understanding your existing capabilities along with your vision.


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